Love urself and you're waifu, oichichan.
> Love yourself and you are waifuСовершенное, однако, существо.
>>1004159 Love you too! Одна девочка себя чут-чутъ любит, но других девочек любит ещё больше!
>>1004159 Are you a native English speaker? Native speakers tend to confuse "your" with "you're" in written speech, because they they first generate the sentence using their inner voice and only then transcribe it into a written speech, while those who have learned English as a second language tend to think in written words.
>>1004191>Native speakersYou're waifu a shit мем /a/ где-то с 2014.
>>1004192 Literally all Google results on the first page spell it as "your waifu" instead.
>>1004193 Quotation marks, Luke, use them.