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No. 17245  
Super trouper
Beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel
Like I always
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's
No. 17246  
57119575_p0.png - (316.65KB, 900×1200)
Одна девочка бака.
Как тут по правилам можно определить к чему относится "Like I always Do"?
Она не будет грустить как обычно (всё время грустила, а теперь не)? Или как обычно не будет густить (никогда не грустит)?

Первое, наверное. Но как быть уверенной?
Хочу альтернативный вариант посмотреть тоже.
No. 17247  
Talk to me honey wwwww


I won't feel blue like I always do

>всё время грустила, а теперь не
>Но как быть уверенной?
I am not a linguist pro but there is like only one actual verb there (to feel), so "do" must imply exactly that.
>Хочу альтернативный вариант посмотреть тоже.
"I won't feel blue, as always"
No. 17248  
83780739_p0.jpg - (323.18KB, 931×1400)
>Talk to me honey wwwww
В прошлые разы оно ничем хорошим не заканчивалось. -_-
Я тут поняла, что и в русском не разобралась бы.
"Не буду грустить как всегда".
Возможно, тут запятые что-то решают.

Вот так встречу девочку и не пойму, она постоянно генки или вечно грустная.
No. 17249  
Who art thou?

>В прошлые разы оно ничем хорошим не заканчивалось.
>Вот так встречу девочку и не пойму, она постоянно генки или вечно грустная.
I am mentally unstable xP
It also pretty difficult to exist by perpetually denying self and the world around~

>Я тут поняла, что и в русском не разобралась бы.
English is better in that regard, it was very nice of them to leave the auxiliary verb there, like, I do not think there is an ambiguity here tbph
No. 17257  
Биполярное? Как-то слишком часто приплывает. Как всегда спасибо за доставляющие скриншотики же!

Ох, что-то у меня голова кружится после всех только что написанных глупостей.
fluctuates really bad

No. 17259  
Okay I'm fine now you can stop talking xD
Tsundere syndrome wwwww

>Как всегда спасибо за доставляющие скриншотики же!

Maybe don't post then wwwww
Also that's waaaaay too long, please think about your readers xD
No. 17260  
>Don't post
You don't choose when you sperg out. Можно повеситься, как вариант. Думаешь, стоит?

>too long
Не читай.
No. 17263  
I don't mean to hurt you, I have experience with longposting and not being read because of that myself xD
>Можно повеситься, как вариант. Думаешь, стоит?
It is for you to decide.
Lately I've been thinking that I am just extremely selfish and the desire to kms is just the desire to get everyone else out of my life OwO
I also have come to terms with the fact that I want to live and would rather kill all humans instead lol
Okay that does sound horrible but I don't do things hastily
Other humans are necessary not just for minimal quality of life, but for survival itself
I have also maybe integrated (I wish xD) my knowledge on the nature of human mind enough to think that essentially I shouldn't be as harsh on humans xD
I still am but peaceful coexistence seems preferable to genocide wwww
I am done playing nicely tho, it's survival out there, and backstabbing, lying, deceiving, manipulating are all legit strategies and people who don't do it are at disadvantage. And don't call me a villain, lots of "regular people" live in a perpetual process of self-deceiving and are massive hypocrites because of that. A mere fact that there is police in this world is evidence for people's ill will xD
Okay that does sound horrible again but people are actually disgusting and friends are rare and maybe even situational in this world. There are also relatively harmless people and it's not generally necessary to attack them in any way xD
No. 17264  
У меня уже давненько в голове летает догадка, что длиннопостеры на имиджбордах, которые длиннопостят о себе, все немножко где-то cluster A.
No. 17265  
Люди на имижбордах дураки и не лечатся. In other news, sky is blue.
No. 17266  
Unlike many, I can back at least some of my antics with references to scientific data wwwww
Also I feel that labelling other people as mentally ill is problematic in a sense that they might either get "treatment" they didn't ask for or get outright excluded out of the collective illusion as lost sheep who know too much xD
Well, and there is nothing inherently "wrong" about that but I think a lot of people seem to maintain the illusion that they are not that horrible in a sense of oppressing others. Yea, as if UwU
No. 17268  
>Eye can
Зен жаст ду ит.
No. 17269  
From what I said, what do you want to get confirmation on?
No. 17271  
вай ар ю абюзинг енргиш?
No. 17272  
Oh c'mon, is my English that bad? I beg to differ xD
I tried to find a meaningful answer to this real hard but I failed~
I also wanted to make a joke about it but after seeing what I've typed I decided that this post is going to be funny enough xD
Pls don't bully me, it would hurt me to know that my posts upset you UwU Like, to a modest degree, not much but still!
No. 17273  
We live in times when no one really has good English, haha.
>don't bully
bullies hahaha. Are you ashamed of yourself? You're such a nice girl, so sweet and radiating happiness. You can do that in a way everyone here understands you. Maybe it sounds funny but not everyone bothered enough to learn English to a tolerable degree.
No. 17274  
>Are you ashamed of yourself?
I dunno, should I be? xD
>You're such a nice girl, so sweet and radiating happiness
Awwww~ UwU
Now I don't know whether you are just super nice (you could've just called me a clown or sth www) or want to flatter me real hard (which is also kinda nice). Just look at the >>17263 , what does spell "nice" to you there, hmm? All scary cynical nihilst stuff! xD
>You can do that in a way everyone here understands you.
Are there really people here who don't understand this? Never would've expected. What if I had forgot Russian, would girls just abandon me then? xD Anyway thanks for talking to me, I don't usually start using English randomly but I like to be thorough so I quit when I get bored, deal? xD
No. 17275  
>should I be?
You tell me. I've no idea.
Wrong. Took a liking of you long ago. Where was it? 410, I guess. You ever been to iichan in your www-disguise? My memory is kind of on bad terms with me.
>what does spell "nice" to you there
Nothing, really. Sound like frustration I've felt a lot of times. "I don't understand why I don't understand, so I guess I just nuke y'all for great good".
Surviving is not that bad if you're a good hunter. Too bad if you were born prey.
>Are there really people here who don't understand this?
Are there people who bother even glossing over this? I don't know. Guess if somebody doesn't get it he just skips it which is a pity, but then again who cares.
Were they ever really with you?
I make no deals for I am but a passing image, transparent shadow. Anyway, knowing you if you decide to ghost somebody or just dissapear for ages again there's nothing that could stop you, so why bother with deals?
No. 17276  
>Took a liking of you long ago.
Oof, sound scary~ Hopefully you don't mistake me for someone else xD
>You ever been to iichan in your www-disguise?
I was at iichan like forever ago and no, www'ing is a very recent development tbh. Tho by coincidence it was iichan where I learned about www'ing from sparky4 xD
>"I don't understand why I don't understand, so I guess I just nuke y'all for great good"
Not really but whatever, I don't want to talk about it much.
>Are there people who bother even glossing over this?
You xD
>Were they ever really with you?
Wth is that supposed to mean? >,>
>I make no deals for I am but a passing image, transparent shadow. Anyway, knowing you if you decide to ghost somebody or just dissapear for ages again there's nothing that could stop you, so why bother with deals?
Easy, young lady xD
'Twas supposed to be a short term deal anyway!
No. 17278  
Don't worry I don't stalk you! Or do I..?
>don't mistake
I wonder if you can be mistaken for anyone else.
>not really
Was telling how I perceived it, no projections on you.
A question to think about, not to answer. You ever come and go so suddenly...
W-what do you mean!?
>young lady
Beams with clueless young radiance, smiles
No. 17280  
HorribleSubs died…
Don’t you feel funny posting pictures with names referring to a now-dead site?
No. 17281  
>Don't worry I don't stalk you!
If you know me only by 410/014, then you definitely do not~
>I wonder if you can be mistaken for anyone else.
It's possible!
>You ever come and go so suddenly...
Is that a problem? OwO
>W-what do you mean!?
That reply was way too uneasy for the quote it was directed at!

I feel nothing in particular.
No. 17284  
>I feel nothing in particular.
Ахахахахахаха. Nothing in particular. Запишу эту фразу у себя на лбу.
No. 17288  
Btw I was referring to the situation you described, not saying in general!
No. 17289  
Or more like, one girl described in >>17280, not necessarily by you >,<
No. 17293  
awww these screenshots of yours are pure honey!
No. 17294  
Thanks I made them!
Also like them myself wwww
No. 17308  
Now we need to find you a reason to post them!
No. 17309  
No. 17311  
~I want to dance with you among starry skies and surreal lights~
shines dreamily
No. 17314  
Well, uhm, I didn't expect this cringe(?) offer to be accepted! I imagined hit-on-head-cliche reaction! reels

By the way this melancholic melody doesn't associate with people dancing together. It's more like they're slowly circling, they're many, they're close, but not together, not even estranged, rather completely oblivious of each other.

Somehow made me imagine dark shapes of beautiful maids dancing in the sky!

No. 17330  
No. 17339  
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